Rod Reinforced Conveyor Belts

We have a strong foothold as a well-known Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier of Rod Reinforced Conveyor Belts from Maharashtra, India. To meet the diverse requirements of the buyers, Conveyor Belts are offered by us in varied specifications. We assure you that the placed order, be it small one or big, is delivered within the postulated period of time. All the credit goes to our logistic network!
These belts produce a very high tensile strength, and minimum stretch at high operating temperatures. Rod Reinforced Conveyor Belts are used for heat treatment of metal products. Spirals of same direction are arranged and rod are passed through spiral intersections.
Type: 18-12, 18-12
Specification : 18 coils of 12 swg per foot width, 18 straight cross members of 12 swg per length.
Details :
Weight - 11 kg per sq. mt.
Thickness - 13 mm
Maximum working tension - 1300 lbs per foot width.